Part of our work as Living Shoreline specialists is to be stewards of the environment, working with her natural forces instead of against them. At Eagle Shoreline Protection, one of our guiding values is respecting nature's balance by using ONLY biodegradable materials. Some of the most popular ECPs, like straw landscaping blankets, are held together by a thin, plastic netting. Not only do they threaten wildlife, this material NEVER degrades into the natural environment and also increases the amount of microplastics in our waterways.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service recently released guidelines regarding the same findings, alongside an advisory to stop all use of these products, because of the immense threat to local wildlife like birds and snakes. Environmentally aware states using wildlife-friendly ECPs include Minnesota, California, Illinois, Indiana, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Included in the report was evidence of the harm done by plastic netting, as shown in the pictures below.

So what should you be using? Here are the guidelines from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife report:
• ECPs left longer than needed
• Silt fences reinforced with metal or plastic mesh
Square plastic netting that is:
• Degradable
• Photodegradable
• UV-degradable
• Oxo-degradable
• Oxo-biodegradable
Made from:
• Polypropylene
• Nylon
• Polyethylene
• Polyester
Let us make it simple for you! To avoid all of this hassle and the environmental threats to the land which we all love, Eagle Shoreline Protection and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service recommend using all-natural, biodegradable ECPs. There are a few options out there which are outlined above, but in our experience on the shores of Lake Superior, coir products, made of coconut fibers and netting, have proved to be the most resilient. They have the power of holding plants and sediment in place combined with the natural ability to merge with the existing landscape, requiring no removal and posing no threats!
ESP is proud to be the first Michigan-based distributor of these products, as they are the ensured future of our shores and riverbanks. We use coir logs and coir matting of various sizes to respond to the varying needs of each shoreline. These products are available for installation by us, or to purchase with instructions at the link above. We hope you're taking eco-friendly care of your shorelines and are here to help! Read the informational slideshow here or contact us by chat on our website, phone, or email.